2024 “Packed with Love” Project

The intention of Regan’s (pronounced “ree-gan”) Acts of Kindness is to continue to spread the smiles that she always did.
Regan’s Acts of Kindness, Inc. is dedicated to inspiring people to practice and spread kindness. It places particular emphasis on bringing children joy and teaching them to pay it forward with gestures of empathy, gratitude, and love. Its activities foster kinder and more supportive communities. Its most significant activities include providing financial support for playground and other equipment for schools that are either public or recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt under Section 501©3 and gardens for parks that are either public or recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501©3 of the Internal Revenue Service.
© 2018 - 2024 Regan's Acts of Kindness. All Rights Reserved. Contact us at Regansactsofkindness@gmail.com